As a vital organ the primary function of the heart is to pump blood throughout the body so that one of the indicators or signs of life is the presence of a heartbeat. If the heart has stopped beating means someone has died. Blood pumped by the heart carries oxygen and nutrients throughout the body so that various cells, tissues, and organs get enough oxygen and juice intake.
The content of Salmon Fish Nutrition
Various benefits above include the benefits of salmon for the heart is supported by a variety of nutritional content beneficial to the body including the benefits of protein, vitamin D, omega-3 fatty acids, the benefits of vitamin A, the benefits of vitamin E, vitamin B, calcium, phosphorus benefits, zinc, iron benefits, and magnesium benefits. This diverse combination of nutrients makes salmon as one of the best food sources for health, so it is much liked and quite expensive in the market.
Benefits of Salmon Fish for the Heart
The benefits of salmon for the heart is mainly supported by the content of omega-3 fatty acids are known to be useful for lowering bad cholesterol (LDL) and triglycerides in the blood. Although the benefits of cholesterol are needed by the body but are only needed in certain levels and from good cholesterol type (HDL). The high levels of bad cholesterol in the blood during this time is seen as one of the causes of various disorders of the heart so it is important to maintain food intake. Control of cholesterol in the blood can also be obtained with the benefits of carp, the benefits of chickpeas for cholesterol, or the benefits of okra fruit.
The benefits of salmon for the heart also play a role in controlling blood pressure that has a major impact on heart health. With stable blood pressure makes the heart work normally and does not need to work too hard. Another case if the blood pressure is not controlled and rises so the heart must work hard to pump blood that ultimately affects heart health. Stable blood pressure can also be obtained by consuming several foods such as cucumber benefits for hypertension, the benefits of beluntas leaves for hypertension, or pare benefits for hypertension.
Benefits of salmon for the heart also plays a role in preventing arterosclerosis or hardening of the arteries thus preventing you from the risk of heart attack. Hardening of the arteries or blood vessels from the heart to the rest of the body causes inhibition of blood flow even if it is too severe can inhibit blood flow as a whole so that it is fatal to health. In addition to salmon there are some other foods that are also good to prevent ateroklerosis such as benefits of matsutake mushrooms, yellow melon benefits, or benefits of purple chili.
Very useful is not it? Nevertheless there are still many people who complain about the high price of salmon so it is not possible to consume in sufficient quantities. Even if it can at best only occasionally. Especially considering the economic level of some people who are not prosperous Indonesia. For that there are some other food recommendations that are good for the heart that can be an alternative such as the benefits of avocado for the heart, the benefits of honey for the heart, and the benefits of peanuts for the heart. So let's start living healthy from now on.