
Red Fruits

Red Fruits

                              The reasons to consume them to the seriousness

Red fruits are quite complete foods and should be part of a balanced diet. In addition to the antioxidants, strawberries, raspberries or even blackberries are essential to keep the line, youth and work wonders with your skin!

No doubt the eyes also eat. And when it comes to red berries, it's really hard to look away from a glass of fresh juice or a fruit salad dyed black and red. Far from being the fruits of sin, red fruits bring numerous benefits to your health.

The purple hue comes from anthocyanin, a pigment associated with vitamin B1, responsible for the transformation of nutrients into energy. Of course red fruits, especially blueberry, gooseberry and acerola, are the best source of antioxidants, even when compared to other fruits and vegetables. With the heart more protected, the B vitamins (niacin), minerals, potassium and vitamin C, enhance the health protection of the skin, nerves, kidneys and digestive tract.
The red color of strawberries or currants comes from lycopene, a carotenoid (phytochemical) usually associated with vitamin C that helps in the prevention of prostate cancer. These fruits are still a source of other carotenoids, such as beta carotene, a precursor of vitamin A that strengthens the eyes and skin. Another hero of the red fruits is the cyanidino, which is found in the skin of the fruit.

Five times a day

The only way to protect the body from the effects of accelerated life and visible and constant physical wear, is to focus on foods rich in antioxidants. The low consumption of fruits and vegetables is among the ten main risk factors associated with the occurrence of chronic no communicable diseases. For this reason, the World Health Organization (WHO) encourages an increase in the consumption of fruits and vegetables, fresh or in juice, because of their beneficial properties. The reasons are already known, since they contribute to the reduction of consumption of foods rich in fats and sugars and provide vitamins, minerals and fibers necessary for the full functioning of the body.

In a study by the Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging in Boston, the team coordinated by researcher James Joseph, concludes that "blueberries are becoming a staple food in the battle next to age."  they help fight depression and slow down the effects of aging. In the case of strawberries, the conclusions resemble: a hand full of this fruit promotes the health of the digestive system and helps to lower cholesterol levels.
In a study published in the Scientific Overview for Health Professionals, which supports the message of the American project "5 a day" - a program encouraging the consumption of fruit and vegetables - the message is reinforced that the risk of developing chronic diseases decreases with consumption of 5 to 10 pieces of fruit and vegetables every day.
The new Food Wheel advises the daily consumption of 3 to 5 servings of fruit, which is equivalent to 480 to 800 grams daily, depending on the individual needs. The daily consumption of fruit is vital to ensure the health of your body and to lead an active and healthy life.

4 Reasons Why She Consume Red Fruits

- Better than Botox - Its nutrients rich in anti-aging antioxidants counteract the action of free radicals and improve blood circulation and transport of nutrients through the body, which contributes to a rejuvenated face. On the other hand, they protect against the harmful effects of the sun, one of the responsible for the premature aging of the skin.

- Avoid the cravings of sweets - The natural fruit sugar, fructose, has a low glycemic index, which prolongs the feeling of satiety, avoiding that you feel like always being snack. Which means that the energy consumed is well assimilated by the vital functions of the organism. A low-glycemic diet helps control cholesterol and blood pressure.

- Burns fat and maintains weight - If you think about losing weight, then make sure red fruits are part of your diet. 300 grams of wild berries have the same calorific value as a third of a banana.

- Reduces cancer risk and relieves allergy symptoms - These foods contain anticancer nutrients that protect the body. Several studies have shown the efficacy of red fruits, such as strawberries and raspberries, in preventing the development of numerous types of cancer. On the other hand, some substances found in red fruits, quercitina, a phytonutrient of the flavonoid family, alleviates the symptoms of allergies.

4 Reasons Why He Consume Red Fruits

- Goodbye Stress and Anxiety - Vitamin C restores adrenaline reserves in the adrenal glands, which minimizes the effects of anxiety. Chronic stress also increases the production of hormones that unbalance blood glucose levels, creating the feeling of permanent hunger. Five strawberries have the same amount of vitamin C as an orange.
- Keeps the flu away - Rich in folic acid and vitamin C, red fruits still have antioxidant properties and increase immune protection against infections. Five strawberries contain more antioxidants than three apples or four bananas.

- Protects the heart - Folic acid and antioxidants protect the arteries from bad cholesterol. On the other hand, vitamin C and anthocyanidins prevent the formation of bad cholesterol, keeping levels safe, which reduces the risk of stroke or stroke.

- Better than Viagra - Red fruits are rich in zinc, a vital mineral that helps man to prolong erection. It is also essential to prevent male impotence. These fruits also contain anthocyanin, an antioxidant that ensures the circulation of nutrients and the proper functioning of blood flow.

Dooglas Playa
I am a writer, my wife Denise is an editor. Recently struck down by a brain tumor, I am presently wheelchair bound. I search locations along the shore where I can fly fish Zihuatanejo Bay from the chair.

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