
10 tips for a good breakfast for children


10 tips for a good breakfast for children

It seems to me more appropriate to have breakfast for children at home . Have plenty of time and peace, ideally eat together as a family or at least part of it.
Yes, sometimes you have to get up 20 minutes earlier. Yes, you usually have to have some  plan to  go for breakfast to buy it at home. Yes, if you want kids to eat something healthier, you have to count on massive  resistance  and try it repeatedly :-)

But all this can be done, it only really takes a little time (if you have changed your mind first).
Oat / Buckwheat Porridge   -
wherein the flakes form a maximum of 25% by volume. Fill the flakes with boiling water and leave to swell for 3 minutes. Add coconut flour / grated coconut, a few drops of coconut oil and a little butter. For the  sweet version,  add grated apple / berry fruit and a bit of honey and cinnamon or nuts.  Add curd / riccot and some sour cream to the  salty version . Also add vegetables to the salt version.
Tofu muffins
You need:  300g of tofu, ety zucchini, ule onion, 200g of ham, 70g of grated cheese, salt, pepper, oregano (or alternatively garlic, dried tomatoes, tuna ....)

Squeeze as much water as possible from the tofu, put in a bowl and stir with a fork. Also shred the water from the grated zucchini. Add it to tofu, along with ham, onion and cheese. Fry and season. Bake in silicone muffin baskets as usual.

You can bake the muffins in the evening, together with the children, and just warm in the oven in the morning.

Coconut Mash
Mix the coconut flour together with the flax / ground flax seeds with egg and some vegetable milk. Boil lightly so that the slurry gets a smooth consistency. You can sprinkle butter, sprinkle with cinnamon, brown sugar or pour maple syrup. Or decorate with fruit.
Hard-boiled egg and raw soldiers
Egg, chopped hard cheese and vegetables according to the child's choice.

 Home made granola without cereals
Very simple, you prepare once and you have a month-old. need:

400g grated coconut, unsweetened, 150g sunflower seeds, 150g pumpkin seeds, nuts - mildly chopped, 50g coconut oil. Mix everything together.

Depending on your taste, the ingredients can be slightly crushed, lightly grinded, but it is advisable if the blend contains larger pieces.

Put baking paper on the baking tray and bake for 180 minutes at 180 ° C. Mix the mixture on the plate every 3-4 minutes. After cooking, remove the mixture from the oven and put it in the glass container after it has completely cooled down.

Serve with white yoghurt and berries.
You need: 5 eggs, 4 PL coconut flour, 1 ART baking powder, 2 ART vanilla, 3 PL whole milk or cream, 125g softened butter.

Whiten the whites into the stiffener. In the second dish, mix the yolks with coconut flour and baking powder. Add butter, milk, vanilla and mix well. Then, lightly blend the snow on the spoons. Pour the finished dough into a waffle maker.

Serve waffles with cream / white yoghurt and fruit / maple syrup.
Bacon with egg ,
spinach and tomatoes, slice of wholemeal bread.

Spinach-mushroom omelette
Lightly sauté the mushrooms on the butter, season and season, dry for 5 - 7 minutes. Add finely chopped garlic and add fresh spinach after about 30-60 seconds. Leave another minute.

So far prepare eggs in the bowl, crumbled with a little coconut flour, salt and pepper. Add to the eggs a spoonful of cream and a little grated hard cheese you like. Pour the mixture onto mushrooms with spinach.

Serve garnished with tomato, cucumber, paprika (depending on your home) and a piece of rye bread (or without).

White yogurt with fruit
Mix white yoghurt (1kg buckets) in a plate with a little honey and sprinkle with cinnamon. Decorate with berries on top.

Grated apple with carrot
Nothing complicated, cut the apples on a large grater, small carrots. Stir, add a few drops of honey, chopped nuts, possibly grated coconut, a few dried raisins / plums.

You do the evening and the morning as if you found it.
Dooglas Playa
I am a writer, my wife Denise is an editor. Recently struck down by a brain tumor, I am presently wheelchair bound. I search locations along the shore where I can fly fish Zihuatanejo Bay from the chair.

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