
8 Items, Eat and Not Fat


8 Items, Eat and Not Fat

When having to control weight to maintain the puppet exactly I can't eat my mouth! Many girls break the ultimate strategy of restraining them from grabbing vanilla cookies in the mouth to solve hunger during the day. Or hypnotize yourself to walk to grab things in the fridge late at night Some people reached the braking stage, smashed, smoothed, tangled, along the way, had to go into the gym to lose weight again. So come and see this 8 cool items that we have gathered for girls to be able to eat all the time when they cry. Without making you fat


Number one must give the beans Chewed snacks of people who are losing weight, just eating only 1 handful, gives a lot of energy. And can stay longer because of high fiber It also helps prevent blood sugar levels too high. It is also rich in good fats that help reduce cholesterol and nourish the heart as well. Eating nuts that are not fat will have to limit your eating too much. And must not add salt or fry or seasoning Otherwise, do not find that you do not warn her.

Canned tuna

Can be called another treasure from the sea in canned form with low fat and cholesterol It also comes with unsaturated fatty acids that are essential to the body. But our body cannot create itself, such as omega-3 fatty acids, in addition to helping with memory and heart Also good for long-term beauty as well Can eat together with fresh vegetables and salad dressing, allowing for another meal

a banana

Amazing fruit that is very tricky in our home. Helps to reduce stress and make good mood Importantly, it is also rich in vitamins B1 and B2 that help accelerate the metabolism of sugar and fat. Prevent swelling as well. Wake up early, empty stomach, don't know what to eat Try to eat enough bananas and drink plain water Or can dip with peanut butter to add flavor

Greek yogurt

The goodness of it is a smooth, smooth and sweet flavor. Making Greek yogurt different from general yogurt It also provides more than 2 times the protein. Therefore, the body takes longer to digest. Makes us feel full longer and do not want to eat Can eat, play as a snack, and get plenty of nutrients I started to say very much.

Dark chocolate

One of the best items to conquer the craving for desserts is the Dark Chocolate. For girls who maintain their body, should choose dark chocolate that contains at least 70% cocoa. With a small amount of fat and sugar But it still exists Therefore should not eat too much The moment from the puppet will become a substitute.

Green apple

With high fiber and less sugar than other fruits Making green apples a popular fruit among health lovers, wanting girls to try green apples with hot green tea Because it is a perfect partner to help lower cholesterol levels


Say that oatmeal work must come! Because she is a cereal that gives high energy But with low fat and cholesterol and girls can also convert oatmeal into various menus Both brewed as a boiled oatmeal drink or bakery for you to enjoy breakfast without fear of obesity anymore.

boiled egg

House items, but full of excitement With a protein packed into every molecule in a round, white skin of a boiled egg that will increase the degree of refinement when dropping the sauce Helps you stay full and full of energy. Resulting in less food in the next meal 

This item will start even more if girls have the intention and discipline in health care. Including exercising regularly And most importantly, pay special attention to food. Do not starve too much. There are only 8 cool items at home.


Dooglas Playa
I am a writer, my wife Denise is an editor. Recently struck down by a brain tumor, I am presently wheelchair bound. I search locations along the shore where I can fly fish Zihuatanejo Bay from the chair.

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