Is it bad to eat a yogurt whose expiration date expired the day before? How long can I store the mayonnaise in the refrigerator after opening? Is the whitish chocolate spoiled? The food consultant Hugo Vieira clarifies these and other mysteries.
In 2008 a British man made headlines because he decided to carry out an experiment eating only out-of-date foods for two weeks. The aim was to prove that tons of food were thrown away when they could still be eaten without detriment to health. It seems that he did not die or suffered from indigestion, but the question is pertinent. After all, what criteria govern the definition of the periods of validity of the food? Hugo Vieira, food consultant at 4HSA, a food safety consulting firm, tells us when we can eat ...
They can be consumed a day or two after the deadline without problem, although they begin to lose nutritional characteristics.
It can eventually be consumed up to a few days after the deadline. In the milk of the day the margin is lower and it is not advisable to exceed the indicated period. "This is because the first is subjected to a very high temperature in a very short time, which eliminates practically all the potential bacteria. In the second, the sterilization is done at a lower temperature and in a longer time, which despite to contribute to the milk to maintain the characteristics in terms of flavor, makes it more subject to contamination ", explains Hugo Vieira.
Over time there is usually mold that may contain harmful toxins. "A small point can be removed without prejudice, but there is always some degree of danger since mold (with the exception of cheeses where it is supposed to happen) always indicates a break in the biological barrier of the food, which allows the entry of toxins that may be present even in a non-visible way ".
Desserts Such as Pudding Flan, Chocolate Mousse or Milk-Cream
It should not be allowed to pass the deadline since they are processed products and with many nutrients, namely eggs, reason why the risk of contamination with staphilococus and salmonelas is great.
Frozen Food
In general they can be conserved almost a year to a year and a half without problems, since they are kept to less than 18ºC, since the cold prevents the development of micro organisms. As a rule, the less processed the food, the longer it will remain unchanged. Ready-made and frozen meals, for example, have more elements in the composition that make them less stable but not dangerous. The fats may change and some stale flavor develops. Frozen foods ex-factory suffer a very rapid freezing that keeps nutrients intact, and will be safer than frozen ones at home. But in any case, the determining element is always the maintenance of the cold chain. A break in this chain (whether in the transport to the supermarket or to your home) reduces the margin of conservation. Signs of this are the formation of ice crystals inside or the presence of moisture in the carton. In this case, you should not let the deadline pass.
Before they open they conserve quite well for a few weeks beyond the indicated deadline, but then one should take more precaution.
It is a very sensitive product and its conservation will depend on the care taken in the handling. "Contamination with staphilococus or salmonella is easy. It is just an oversight with the spoon that is used to remove it from the flask, for example.
It is more acidic and therefore more resistant. It can last for a month kept in the fridge, as well as mustard.
Tomato Sauces For Cooking
They are quite sensitive and can create fungi and molds that produce harmful toxins even on time. Even if you remove visible mold, it is likely that there are more microorganisms present so you should not consume them at all in this case. "
Fresh Meat
You can let one or two days pass if you keep the cold chain intact and there are no signs of change. "In the case of minced meat, it does not give any margin. It is that when it is chopped its biological barrier is broken, which facilitates the development of bacteria and allows the proliferation of micro organisms."
Fresh Cold Meats
Because cold meats and bologna are sensitive products, they should be consumed only on time. Pay special attention to the formation of a biofilm of fat on the outside, "possible sign of microorganisms that can cause fevers and diarrhea or even malformations of the fetus in pregnant women".
They are more stable because smoking destroys much of the microorganisms and the salt they contain also acts as a preservative. If they have been packaged in a vacuum, they will be stored for a long time and can be consumed a few weeks after the non-hazardous period.
It can last for years without being spoiled. There may be a change in yeast property, which makes it less effective to brew a cake or make bread.
Powdered Milk
It also lasts a long time as long as it does not collect moisture and is in an enclosed carton.
Crackers and Toasties
At most they may become soft over time, a signal of oxygen migration into the package, but in general they will last a long time, especially if the packages are not opened.
Coffee and Tea
They last for years, especially if they are tightly sealed. As they are made with boiling water the danger of contamination is also lower. If they smell like mold, however, it's better to throw it away.
Cooking Chocolate
It can last indefinitely, even if it loses some properties (it usually whitens) will not present danger to health.
They last for years and should only be alert to signs of blistering or other damage to the cans. In this case, do not make it easy.
Olive Oil
It is advisable to consume in the space of one year, but everything depends on the form of packaging. It should always be stored in the dark as light changes its properties. If it is exposed to light in the sales space or at home, it may change. Smell of rancid is always an indicator of this.
It also lasts a long time and even if it loses qualities it will not present a danger to health.
Juices and Soft Drinks
Fruit juices in glass bottles should not be exposed as sunlight quickly degrades the vitamin C they contain. This is one of the preservative elements whereby its degradation can compromise the conservation in the recommended time. Soft drinks last longer even though they may lose commercial properties.
A Matter of Time
The expiry date on the packaging is mandatory. Only unprocessed fresh vegetables are exempt from this obligation, but must show the date on which they were packed. Obviously, the main objective is to ensure the safety of consumption, but not only. "The term also guarantees commercial characteristics such as flavor, color or texture, which the manufacturer ensures will remain stable during the indicated period," explains the food consultant. After the date indicated on the label, the food is not necessarily damaged but may not meet the quality parameters of the time of purchase.
Of course consuming out-of-date foods should be the exception rather than the rule, but not always the litter will have to be the final destination of a product that may be in perfect condition even though it has expired. In any case, to consume it safely there are facts that should be known:
- As a rule, the shorter the deadline and the more specific the expiration date, the less margin you will have to consume afterwards.
- In general, the more water and fat in your composition, the faster a food will deteriorate and the less flexibility there will be in your consumption over time.
- Even within the time limit, a food can deteriorate rapidly if it is subjected to poor handling or storage (heat or contamination).
- Any packaging that is flushed should be rejected as this 'swelling' is a probable indication of the existence of carbon dioxide inside, a reaction that occurs when there is a proliferation of microorganisms.