
Tips Against Exam Stress

Tips Against Exam Stress

Students suffer a lot of stress during the exams. Their expectations are high because their future depends on it, it is the start of a career and they are confronted with the pressure exerted by their parents.

Fear of having to disappoint the parents and watch dreams go up in smoke. Negative thoughts and fear of failure stop them from achieving maximum performance.

Symptoms of stress

1. Feeling inhibited:

                                                     Stress can limit our options. It becomes more difficult to concentrate, people experience organizational problems and sometimes they are completely blocked.

2. Physical symptoms such as: 

                                                                               Headache, abdominal pain, fast pulse, excessive sweating, tremor, nausea, muscle tension.

3. Mental symptoms:

                                                                               Negative thoughts, low self-esteem, irritability and insomnia.

Causes of exam stress

                                                         Exam stress has various causes and often there is a combination of these.

1. Lack of self-confidence

                                                                   Perhaps the first and biggest cause there is. The student has the impression that not enough knowledge and skills were stored. It is a subjective feeling and has nothing to do with knowledge and possibilities.

2. Competition battle

                                                         The limited number of places available at a college to be able to start or continue makes the students believe that their efforts may be for nothing.

3. Negative thoughts  

                                                     Starting from the student, caused by the opinion of others or pressure from the parents. People think that they have done too little, have too little information, are not intelligent enough or have fear of failure.

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Tips against exam stress for the exams

1. Learn to face the exams and fears

                                                                                                Ensure proper preparation, create a work schedule and organize the time required. Test the acquired knowledge together with a fellow student. Try to explain to friends what they have understood. If this goes smoothly, you don't have to worry. If not, they know which piece to repeat.

2. Make a realistic analysis of the situation

                                                                                                               Write the fears and stress situations on a sheet of paper and try to resolve them. If necessary, discuss with the parents and find a solution together.

3. Visualize and beat your fears

                                                                                 Look at the cause of the fears and try to find an explanation for them. If one comes to the conclusion that this is just a feeling, it comes from the imagination, then it is easier to ignore it.

4. Ensure a quiet study environment

                                                                                                 A pleasant environment with soft lighting, sufficient ventilation and possibly soft classical music will ensure that people can study as much as possible. Take a pleasant study posture, so that the body is fully supported.

5. Try relaxation exercises 

                                                                          Try to take 15 minutes for this every day. They concentrate on a diaphragm breathing and in the meantime try to replace the negative thoughts with positive ones. Make sure you get enough exercise every day and take the necessary time to rest and sleep. Take a lukewarm relaxing bath daily.

Tips against exam stress during the exam

                                                                                                            Try to think positively and relax by breathing consciously. This gives you control over the autonomic nervous system that helps fight stress. First fill in all the questions that can be answered immediately and then the more difficult ones.

Tips against exam stress after the exam

Try to forget the exam, don't think about it anymore.

Take a walk with a friend.

Take the time to relax.

Tips for parents

Learn to listen.

Do not give advice.

Provide rest and a healthy diet.

Natural supplements

There are some food supplements that have proven their worth for years as support during exam periods

In the first place, magnesium and the vitamin B group are very important to keep the energy level at a high level in a demanding period: a very good product that contains all the necessary ingredients in an optimal mix is   Life Extension Mix, from which 4 to 6 , yes, can take up to 9 capsules per day in such a period.

Lecithin capsules and even better: 

                                                                                            Phosphatidylserine remains a good support for memory through the rich source of choline, the precursor of acethylcholine: our most important memory neurotransmitter.
The ashwagandha plant  from Ayurvedic medicine is also a wonderful and safe natural means to keep the concentration high.
Omega-3 fatty acids are also   recommended for optimal nutrition of the brain .
Dooglas Playa
I am a writer, my wife Denise is an editor. Recently struck down by a brain tumor, I am presently wheelchair bound. I search locations along the shore where I can fly fish Zihuatanejo Bay from the chair.

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