
Quit Smoking Habit


7 Reasons to Quit Smoking Habit

Why should you stop smoking now? There may be many motives, but the main reason must of course be your health. It is not obvious to omit your smoking habits. After all, it is part of your life and at times you have really become attached to your cigarette. Nevertheless, it certainly pays off in the short and long term. Your health will gradually improve and you also save a good amount on an annual basis. Stopping smoking therefore basically only has advantages. It is up to the smoker to show the willpower to stop smoking.
Improving your health in the short term
If you stop smoking you will immediately notice some positive changes for your health. In fact, the oxygen concentration in your blood increases after eight hours, reducing the risk of a thrombosis or heart attack. After a day, the carbon monoxide from the cigarette leaves your body and the lungs start removing tar and mucus. After 3 days, your body is completely free of nicotine, so you will smell, taste and taste better. The nice effect after 6 weeks is that your blood will circulate better in your body, with the result that strenuous exercise or sports practice will go much faster.

Improve your health in the long term

In the longer term, there are of course many advantages. You don't notice it immediately, but you can reap the benefits well into the future. If you stop smoking, after 4 years you will run the same risk of having a heart attack as a non-smoker. After 4 years, the chance of having a stroke is also the same as that of a non-smoker.
The risk of lung cancer is gradually decreasing. It takes about 10 to 30 years before the risk of lung cancer can be equated with a non-smoker.
The cilia on the mucous membranes of the airways will also recover. The cilia are responsible for keeping all dust particles and viruses out of your body.

You will look better

In general, after you stop smoking, you will look much better. The blood circulation in your skin will be much better so that you will look fresher than ever. There is no gum disease and your teeth will look white again in time. Moreover, your ugly yellow fingers will finally disappear. But the most important thing is that you will smell nice and fresh again. Smokers wear a real smokers' smell. Stopping smoking will eliminate this unpleasant odor.

Your house will become more pleasant and fresher

By stopping smoking, your house will smell very fresh from now on. No more smells of cigarettes or cigars hanging around your house. The curtains will also retain the original white color, just as they were purchased. In addition, it also becomes more pleasant for other people to come and visit your home. Some people find it really annoying to get into a house with a smoky smell. It is quite possible that these people will now visit more than they used to be.

A better and faster pregnancy

Women who smoke are more likely to become pregnant than non-smoking women. Another disadvantage of smoking women is that they would have more miscarriages, just like premature births. Male and female fertility are greatly improved when smoking is stopped. In the men, the sperm cells will increase in number and move more. Movable sperm cells are a must for rapid and smooth fertilization. Another advantage for the man is that his testosterone level rises and the blood vessels in the penis will flow better, making his erection stronger.

Children of non-smoking parents are healthier

Children of smoking parents are much more sensitive to respiratory infections. These children are also more at risk for cardiovascular disease. In general, the health of your children improves and the less number of visits to the doctor saves you a lot of money. The children of smoking parents are also fatter.

Financially a real windfall

Cigarette smoking costs a lot of money. If you would smoke a packet every day, it would cost around € 2600 annually (based on data from 2018). This is a lot of money that you can ultimately do something else with. You could spend this budget perfectly on a satisfying vacation with your partner or family.

Tips to quit smoking and keep going

If you feel like a cigarette, try not to give in directly to the temptation. The impulse in your brain that makes you feel like a cigarette disappears very quickly. Do something else quickly so that you don't have time to think about the urge to smoke.

Be proud of yourself if you have been rid of nicotine for a while. Think to yourself that you really have put a lot of effort into it and that you really want to keep it up.

The situations in which you know it makes you crave a cigarette are best avoided. For example, if you feel like a cigarette after a cup of coffee, try to avoid that cup of coffee. If you notice that drinking a lot of water helps to stay away from nicotine, then you should drink as much water as possible.

Dooglas Playa
I am a writer, my wife Denise is an editor. Recently struck down by a brain tumor, I am presently wheelchair bound. I search locations along the shore where I can fly fish Zihuatanejo Bay from the chair.

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