
Foods That Improve Mood


Foods That Improve Mood

                                                                        They are rich in nutrients allied with our brain chemistry, "they lower the risk of depression, irritability, anxiety and even can make us happier. Get to know them.
                       There are many things that rob us of our patients and our sense of humor every day. As if the stressful day-to-day and the demotivating crisis were not enough, depression is the psychological disturbance that most affects the Portuguese. It is estimated that one in four people has suffered or will suffer from it. But eating can help fight the dark clouds of humor.


Orange, Broccoli, Spinach and Green Leafy Vegetables


                                                                                                                                              These are packs filled with folic acid, one of the most important nutrients for correct cognitive functioning, which is as if one says a thought faster than the shadow itself, but also interferes with the regulation of the humor. The neurologist E.H. Reynolds reports several medical studies in an article published in the British Medical Journal, which found that low levels of folic acid were related to a higher incidence of depression and dementia, especially in the elderly and negative effects on mood. So it's about eating the 'greens'!

Banana, avocado, chickpea, and dates

                                                                                                     Our brains need the energy to function well and manage our emotions and carbohydrates have piles of it. But in excess, refined carbohydrates can "make us feel more tired and crabby," says Mahomet Oz, the celebrated physician who authored "You - Your Diet" (Paper Moon) and a contributor to Oprah's programs. Banana, dates, grain, and avocado are rich in complex, healthier fiber and carbohydrates, but also in tryptophan, an important amino acid in the production of serotonin, a neurotransmitter produced in the brain that regulates functions such as hunger, sleep, and emotions, explains Lucretius Periscope in 'How to Improve Your Mental Capacity'. Serotonin is largely responsible for the feelings of physical well-being and pleasure. Hence, depression has been linked to low levels of tryptophan consumption. He also finds it in milk, cheese, meat, and fish.

Chicken, eggs, thin cheese, and fish

                                                                                                          Ever heard of the proteins of happiness? For those that integrate meats, fish and lean dairy products decompose into amino acids during the digestive process, one of the most important being tyrosine. It acts on the synthesis of two vital brain chemicals for good mood, nor epinephrine, and dopamine, which make us more alert, energetic and cheerful. Dopamine is a central nervous system stimulant especially important for regulating mechanisms such as motivation, reward and even our need for pleasure.


                   It makes us feel instantly livelier and is even a cocktail of powerful natural antidepressants. Your sugar boosts energy levels and serotonin production, but it's still rich in phenyl ethylamine, a substance that's also secreted by the brain when we're in love (for some reason chocolate is given on Valentine's Day, and we're stuck with it every amorous snub). Chocolate is also a source of caffeine, which leaves us more alert. Prefer black varieties with higher cocoa content, which, because they are also rich in flavonoids, protect the health of your heart. Mahomet Oz, who advises a maximum of two squares every two days ... so instead of helping her, do not make her feel bad and guilty.

Integral Oatmeal

                                               It is rich in vitamin B1, whose lack in the body is linked to depression and symptoms such as anxiety, irritability and concentration difficulties, says Lucretius Periscope, author of 'How to Improve Your Mental Capacity' (Banana Editor). It also has good levels of vitamin B6, which is also needed to manufacture well-being neurotransmitters, such as serotonin and nor epinephrine.

Nuts, cashews, almonds, chestnuts from Para: They are rich in selenium, a mineral that, when it is lacking in the body can cause depression, irritability, and anxiety. In the United Kingdom, the selenium-poor diet has been cited as one of the reasons for the rise in depression, says the Food & Mood Project, an English study group that looks at the relationship between food and emotions. It is believed that selenium acts on the synthesis of neurotransmitters responsible for well-being and happiness, as well as being an excellent antioxidant that fights aging and cancer. Three nuts account for the daily needs of female selenium (60mg), according to the Food & Mood Project. Whole grain bread, whole grain rice, and pasta are also good sources.

Salmon, tuna, trout, sardines, and cod

                                                                                                    Countries with higher fish consumption have lower rates of depression. If 60% of the brain is composed of fat, we must recharge it with healthy varieties, such as Omega 3 fatty acids. In addition to the cardiovascular protective effect, they are still essential for good brain function, especially cognitive function, and memory. A poor diet in this type of fat is associated with a greater risk of depression and less animated moods, reads on the site Dr. Oz. It is best to include these fish in the menu two or three times a week. A diet rich in Omega 3 is also linked to the prevention of dementia in the elderly, whose symptoms include depression.
Dooglas Playa
I am a writer, my wife Denise is an editor. Recently struck down by a brain tumor, I am presently wheelchair bound. I search locations along the shore where I can fly fish Zihuatanejo Bay from the chair.

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