
Germs in the household - The unwanted roommates


Germs in the household - The unwanted roommates

Who lives in your household - you, your children or grandchildren, maybe a pet? Unfortunately, there are always invisible roommates in the house and apartment that are rarely desired: bacteria. Many of them are harmless and also found on our skin. In some cases, the household germs can also make you sick. Salmonella or coliform bacteria cause diarrhea and vomiting, other types lead to respiratory diseases. We'll tell you which household items are particularly affected, how to maintain the hygiene in your living space - and why too much of it can be harmful.

 Here bacteria feel particularly well

What do you think - where is the highest bacterial load in your household? In the sink? On the toilet? Of course you are not wrong. By contrast, you certainly do not count on other places and objects.

Living room

Even if one hardly suspects it: Bacteria feel particularly well on doors or the television. There is less visible dust on the vertical surfaces, which makes them less likely to be cleaned. So household germs have time to settle there. Also affected are remote controls, telephone receivers or light switches. These are often used but rarely cleaned.


In textiles, such as bedding, mattress or clothing, bacteria are particularly good. In addition, the mite load is very high here: These feed on dander and their excretions can cause allergies.


Extractor hood, wood chopping board, sink and fridge - the kitchen we serve with food daily provides plenty of food for bacteria. An ideal basis of life is also the moist and warm biotope of a scavenger or sponge, in which they multiply rapidly.


In addition to the toilet and washbasin, bacteria also find optimal conditions in deposits on shower curtains and shower heads. Also affected are personal care items such as toothbrushes, hairbrushes and combs. The washing machine quickly becomes a germ-killer when it is only washed at low temperatures.

 Tips for your hygienic household

Even simple measures can help to improve the hygiene in your home:

Always use separate rags for the kitchen and bathroom. This will prevent germs from spreading even more.
You should also regularly change rags and sponges. A shower curtain can be cleaned in the washing machine, otherwise at least the annual replacement is recommended.
Wash bedding, underwear, towels and cleaning cloths if possible at least 60 degrees to kill bacteria. A hot rinse also ensures more hygiene in your washing machine.
Break out of your routine and pay attention to your home and home plaster on areas that you otherwise pay no attention or are easily overlooked. It should not only dusted, but wiped with cleaners and a damp cloth.
Also think of everyday items that are often in use and so susceptible to bacteria.
Always use separate toothbrushes in the family and replace them every eight weeks. Brushes and combs should be cleaned regularly with hair shampoo.
Crockery on which raw meat has been stored or cut should not be left standing but should be rinsed with hot water immediately after use.
 Too much cleanliness can hurt
However, the wishful thinking of many people from a 100% germ-free household - can not be achieved. And that's a good thing! Because just as the pathogens can make you sick, excessive hygiene is harmful.
Your immune system needs the environmental influences to be stimulated and to function when needed. Bacteria and germs are part of this and in normal concentration do not present any problems for the body's own defenses. However, if they are not trained, they can not develop sufficiently. This is how children develop allergies.
The use of aggressive cleaners ensures that the germs become resistant and even more cause diseases. Cleanliness and hygiene are important - but a normal, regular cleaning with conventional cleaning agents is sufficient. So there is still time for the beautiful things in life in addition to the sour making.
Dooglas Playa
I am a writer, my wife Denise is an editor. Recently struck down by a brain tumor, I am presently wheelchair bound. I search locations along the shore where I can fly fish Zihuatanejo Bay from the chair.

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