
Health Myths - True or Invented?


Health Myths - True or Invented?

They are passed on from generation to generation and persist: alleged truths about health issues that you have heard most of the time in childhood. That your eyes do not remain in this position when you squint, you have certainly found out in your early years of self-experiment. Other health myths sound really plausible - and unconsciously, many of them have made it into our own lives. We tell you, which have a true core and which you can confidently dismiss as "nurse tales".

 Coffee deprives the body of fluid

Surely you have heard this before. Not for nothing you get in the restaurant for each espresso a glass of water and after the morning cup once more often go to the bathroom.
In fact, it is a misconception that while coffee is diuretic, it does not deprive the body of water. So let the invigorating drink taste good!

 Eating late at night ensures weight gain

If you want to keep your figure or even lose weight, you should not eat any more after 6 pm and the midnight snack will make sure that your clothes will soon fit closer. Is that correct? Not quite, because no matter what time of the day - it depends on the total amount of calories you eat each day. However, if you go to sleep shortly after eating, you will not burn off the late calories as effectively. Another drawback: Heavy food late in the evening causes difficulty falling asleep as the body is busy digesting.

RELATED:weight loss

 Women freeze faster than men

While her male colleagues are already choosing the short-sleeved shirt for the office, the female employees are still sitting in a wool sweater at the desk. No wonder, after all, women freeze faster than men. In most cases, this is even true: women are often smaller and thus have more surface area to release heat than their body volume. This is produced by muscles and women also have less of it. Last but not least, her skin is thinner than that of men. So it happens that women actually freeze faster.

 Wounds heal better in the fresh air

In the case of injuries, one should rather forego a wound dressing and have it healed without further aids? For small scratches plaster and Co. are actually not really necessary, even if through the air no faster healing is achieved. However, you should definitely connect large wounds, otherwise dirt and bacteria can get in and lead to severe inflammation. Also, the injured skin remains so moist and is protected from dehydration.

 Chocolate favors blemished skin

She is a favorite soul-comforter and worth a sweet sin to many sweet-toothed: chocolate. But the cocoa-containing candy should not only affect the weight of excessive consumption, it is also suspected to favor pimples and blemishes. What is it about this statement?
The good news for all chocolate lovers first: A connection between the consumption of chocolate and impure skin has not been scientifically proven. For pimples is mainly responsible for an excessive talk production, which in turn is caused by the hormones. In general, however, you should pay attention to a healthy lifestyle, because poor diets rich in sugar and fat, alcohol and nicotine have a negative effect on the appearance of the skin.

 Light spots on the fingernails are caused by calcium deficiency

Some people have more, others less or none at all: we are talking about white spots on the fingernails. A clear sign of nutrient deficiency, you think? Often the white spots are interpreted as an indication of the lack of calcium in the diet. Ultimately, they occur when there is a lack of fusion of the nail plates during the keratinization of the nail. This can be the case due to pressure or minor injuries. The white areas are small air pockets, which are medically but not questionable and simply grow out.

 Pregnant eat for two

You expect children? Congratulations! Of course, you or your wife can eat for two, everyone knows that. Pregnant women need about twice as much food - or not?
An increased appetite is normal during pregnancy. In order not to end up with endless extra pounds afterwards, you should also pay attention to your diet in other circumstances. On the one hand, healthy food with lots of nutrients is now particularly important, on the other pregnant women need - contrary to the general claim - only about 250 calories more. It is different during breastfeeding: During this time, the energy requirement is increased by about 500 to 600 calories per day.
Dooglas Playa
I am a writer, my wife Denise is an editor. Recently struck down by a brain tumor, I am presently wheelchair bound. I search locations along the shore where I can fly fish Zihuatanejo Bay from the chair.

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