
Vitamin A, B, C to Combat Fatigue


Vitamin A, B, C to combat fatigue

Today a lot is being asked of us. In this way it can perfectly occur that we do have the feeling that we are sleeping well enough, but we still have to fight fatigue more often and threaten to perish.

It is therefore of great importance to find the right balance between work and relaxation or play in order to keep our energy level at the right level. But did you know that the right diet can be of great use in this regard?

Nutrient-rich nutrients that include your daily eating habits means looking for ingredients that contain vitamins A, C and B which will help improve your immune system and help you maintain your energy levels. So please discuss the various vitamin groups below.

The importance of vitamin A

Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin that is very important for some of the most important functions of our body, from keeping our sight sharp to the growth of cells.
An important part of the prevention of fatigue is precisely the role that vitamin A plays in our body's immune systems. Vitamins A is also a powerful antioxidant that protects our body against the damage that can be caused by free radicals.

Free radicals are a condition that develops constituents that are produced when our bodies are exposed to factors such as pollution, too much stress, or a diet that contains insufficient healthy components.

Vitamin A helps to neutralize the damage to cells caused by these free radicals and it also helps to reduce fatigue throughout the body by keeping our immune system sufficiently strong and resilient.

Like iron, vitamins A is essential in the production and development of our red blood bodies, which help in the transport of oxygen and important nutrients to the tissues of our body, ensuring that we have enough energy.
The limit is 3000 mcg RAE (retinol activity equivalentaents) per day.

Most supplements with multivitamins do not usually contain this limit of vitamin A by far, but you should still be careful to avoid taking the 100% of your daily dose of vitamin A in the form of a supplement because you get it also through your regular diet.

The daily recommended dose of vitamin A is 700 mcg RAE in women and 900 mcg RAE in men. In addition to a high-quality supplement, food products such as carrots and sweet potatoes can be a good source of vitamin A.


The importance of vitamin C

Vitamin C is another important antixodant that can help improve our energy levels. Vitamin C helps maintain proper adrenaline function.

This ensures the regulation of the hormones related to so-called "fight to flight" and therefore plays an important role in the level of fatigue and stress in our body. Vitamin C is therefore essential to properly absorb iron and to help prevent anemia, an important other cause of fatigue.
Vitamin C is soluble in water, so there is slightly more risk of toxicity at high levels than there is with supplements with vitamin A.

Too much vitamin C can potentially cause some discomfort in the region of the stomach. The recommended daily allowance for men per day is 90 mg and for women the dose is 75 mg. Most fruits and vegetables contain vitamin C to a greater or lesser extent, a certain fruit such as orange, kiwi and strawberries.

The importance of a vitamin B complex

Vitamin B complex is composed of no less than 11 different water-soluble vitamins that work together to create and maintain both the energy of the body and the correct function of the brain.

These vitamins can be used in the treatment of stress, to supplement a poor diet or in the intake of too much alcohol. The vitamins from this group are of great importance in maintaining a healthy immune system because they are responsible for the production of both white and red blood cells.

There is no such thing as a recommended daily allowance for the vitamin B complex in itself because it is composed of a series of individual vitamins.
People suffering from the symptoms of too much stress can be helped with taking supplements with this vitamin B complex. These supplements can help to replace what is more expensive during those moments of stress, although it is of course not a definitive solution to the problem.

Vitamin B also important for vegetarians

People who follow a vegetarian certainly have an interest in taking vitamin B12 and vitamin B6. This can also be achieved by adding nutritional yeast or brewer's yeast and foods rich in B6 such as fortified foods for those based on plants only.

Fatigue can have many different causes, but if you have to contend with inexplicable fatigue, taking extra vitamins and filling in your deficiencies through a well-balanced and healthy diet can help you on your way to more new healthy energy which will certainly benefit your body.

Make sure that you take in nutrients from all the different food groups anyway. This will take you a long way, and a supplement with the right multivitamins can help to fill up any deficits that are still there.

Take care of less stress, eat better, exercise sufficiently, beat more in a healthy way, and you will see that you can give your life a new energetic boost that will make you feel a lot better in your skin.
Dooglas Playa
I am a writer, my wife Denise is an editor. Recently struck down by a brain tumor, I am presently wheelchair bound. I search locations along the shore where I can fly fish Zihuatanejo Bay from the chair.

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