
7 Most Effective Cardio Exercises to Lose Weight for 2019

7 Most Effective Cardio Exercises to Lose Weight for 2019
7 Most Effective cardio exercises to lose weight for 2019


 Cardio Exercises To Lose Weight 

7 Most Effective cardio exercises to lose weight article gives some detail information on weight loss Exercise and workout that definitely works for you, please try it. If you want to lose weight, it is very important to do the right exercise with the right diet. People also receive proper weight training to lose weight. However, recent aerobic exercise is a good option for weight loss. Experts say aerobic exercise is most important when it comes to weight loss.

This requires best practices, best deadlines, and training to achieve your weight loss goals. Research shows that people who do aerobic exercise before breakfast lose 20% more weight than others. This is because in the morning metabolism or metabolism becomes very high and your mind concentrates on the idea of weight loss.

Therefore, the morning heart session is more effective because your body and mind together stimulate weight loss. Find out the best cardio for weight loss at home. Let we discuss on the list of cardio exercises for weight loss  

1. Running

7 Most Effective Cardio Exercises to Lose Weight for 2019

Running is the best cardio for weight loss at home. Because it is easy to do without any other material required. It is the best cardio workout because you are using your largest muscles to propel your body forward, your heart must pump extra hard to deliver enough oxygenated blood. This means you are getting a stronger heart, endurance, and a nicely sculpted pair of legs while shedding calories. The only problem is that running can be incredibly boring for some people.

A way to make running interesting is to find a partner. Having a friend to run with not only fights off the boredom but also helps you push yourself further. You will be more motivated to keep going and stick to a steady, intense pace while running alongside a friend. If you don’t have a friend who runs at your level, then borrow the neighbor’s dog.
A few other tricks to make running more interesting are to change your course. Try to run in different places even if it means driving to a park to start your run. You can also incorporate running into your daily life by running to the store or home from work instead of driving. Just remember to set clear goals for yourself and to invest in a good pair of running shoes.

How to do Running to burn calories

  1. Make a plan for running, pickup your place where to run, set your destination and start running at a low speed of 6 mph.
  2. Increase your period, after the next day and also, increase the speed to 8 or 9 mph.
  3. When your stamina little bit increases then you have to increase your speed up to 14-15 mph and more.
  4. With running you have intake some diets or drinks which help you to lose your weight more effectively.
  5. Make your daily routine or schedule for effectiveness.

Duration: 30 minutes
Burn Calories:  1200 or more calories
Running (8 mph):-    approx. 110 Cal/Mile (1 Mile = 1.6 Km)

2. Jumping Rope

7 Most Effective Cardio Exercises to Lose Weight for 2019

You may be amazed to know that skipping rope or jumping rope is the best cardio for weight loss at home. This game that we used to do during elementary years can give us health benefits and a beach body that can positively get much attention. You can do 15 minutes of brisk-walking but doing a jump rope for that long is more exhausting. However, this can burn calories faster than doing brisk-walking. From research, it is possible with Rope jumping cardio to lose weight in 2 weeks

Men like you may find this too girly but you need to do jump rope to burn the excess fat that adds up to your body mass. You may not have time hitting the gym so why not try this simple exercise. Aside from the fact that it can burn calories, jump rope can help your body release growth hormone. This substance synthesized by the body can promote weight loss. It means that this amino acid facilitates fat burning which can promote weight loss.

When you want to lose weight you need to lose some body fat and save your muscles from wasting. For you to get rid of one pound weight, burning 3,500 calories will be necessary. This is a hard feat yet you can start with the use of a jump rope. This won’t take much of your time. You just need to have this kiddy stuff and work your way to weight loss.

How to do Rope Jumping to burn calories

  1. The selection of suitable rope is very important. Some rope is made of different materials and different lengths and weights.
  2. Afterward, Stand up and pick up the rope and hold the rope by the handles in both hands. You should extend your hands and forearms at least one foot away from your body, with an angle of 45 degrees.
  3. Get on the rope. The rope should hang behind you so that half of the rope touches the back of your feet. 
  4. With the help of your hands and wrists, swing the rope over your head and also remember that you should not have to move your arms,  and try to keep limited movement in your wrists.
  5. When the rope comes in the front of your feet, jump on it and also stand on your tiptoes and push yourself with your toes.
  6. For beginners, it is better to make a slow startup so that they have enough time to perform the jump.
Duration: 10 minutes
Burn Calories: 200 calories
Stuff Required: Jumping rope

3. Swimming

7 Most Effective Cardio Exercises to Lose Weight for 2019

One of the most effective and safest forms of exercise for weight loss is swimming. But the benefits of swimming, and swimming for weight loss goes beyond the physical exercise itself. It affects mood, which in turn affects choices in food and further exercise. It is also a more enjoyable activity for most people than the exercises involving gravity.

Swimming uses muscles all over the body, eliminating the need to exercise different areas of the body and muscle groups. It also involves no impact, and so is much healthier for joints than running and many of the other aerobic activities. In fact, you could swim almost every day with no risk of injury, whereas other aerobic exercise needs at least one day’s break in between sessions.

Losing weight by swimming speeds up the metabolism and a gentle swim burns about 500 calories per hour. A more energetic swim can burn up to 700 calories per hour. The fact that water is so much denser than air means that each push, pull and kick is the equivalent of a resistance work-out for the whole body.

How to do swim to burn calories

  1. Get a trainer for swimming.
  2. Wear swim goggles, a swimsuit, a cap.
  3. Practice exhaling underwater
  4. Learn the first kicking your legs and backpedaling also, do a minimum 10 laps so that you engage all the muscles and get a good workout.
  5. Learn in-depth techniques and other strokes to help you swim faster and burn more calories.
  6. Learn every precaution related to swimming which helps out from risk.

Duration: 60 minutes
Burn Calories: 500-700 calories
Stuff Required:  Swimming pool
Swimming (1.5 mph) :-    approx. 430 Cal/Mile (1 Mile = 1.6 Km)

4. Cycling

7 Most Effective Cardio Exercises to Lose Weight for 2019

Cycling exercise is the Best Exercise for weight loss at home for females. Riding bicycle faster is increasing your energy output exponentially because of the air-resistance. It's the same as you experience with the fuel consumption of your car when driving with higher speed. These energy consumptions are based on an average person (170lb = approx. 75Kg) riding through flat scenery. If you are heavier or riding uphill, you can add some more. It would be possible to calculate that exactly, but it is of no real value to you. After riding uphill it's going down without energy consumption and the aim is not counting calories, but having fun, improve your well-being and lose weight.

You see bicycling and weight loss are a combination of doing some medium-size exercise to increase the energy output and at the same time reducing your calorie intake. Accept yourself as you are and improve your way of living. The results will come themselves. It's not a quick magic system which won't work, it will take time to reach your aim, as it took time to grow your belly. 

How to do Cycling to Burn Calories

  1. First, you have to sit on a bicycle comfortably.
  2. Initially, you have pedal your bicycle at a medium speed.
  3. Continuously pedaling your bicycle for 3-4 minutes.
  4. Cooldown your body for a while and then restart to do high-speed biking for 4-5 minutes.
  5. Afterward, increase your pedaling speed gradually so that you feel the burn in our thighs.

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Duration: 20 minutes
Burn Calories: 200-300 calories
Stuff Required: Stationary bike or bicycle

5. Kettlebells

7 Most Effective Cardio Exercises to Lose Weight for 2019

Kettlebells are often used a lot in all types of HIIT routines, because thanks to its handle, they can be used in rapid practice with impulses and others. This allows the exercise to burn fat more efficiently than a traditional dumbbell, although it actually performs the same function as the dumbbell, but with an extension of the handle that allows it to be used in more ways.

This exercise routine to burn fat with kettlebells will be done in circuit form to activate maximum metabolism and speed up the burning of fat as much as possible, but if you still want more, you can use our active Women can take slimming capsules to speed up the process and eliminate fat faster.

How to do kettlebells Exercise to Burn Calories

  1. If you are a beginner, start with a 1-kilo kettlebell and if you start to feel comfortable, use a heavier kettlebell to do your exercises.
  2. Take your kettlebell in one hand. While you are in a squatting position, bring the kettlebell between your legs and then straighten while swinging the kettlebell in front of you at shoulder height.
  3. No need to train every day. Twenty minutes of training three times a week is enough to tone the muscles of your stomach and melt fat.

Duration: 30 minutes
Burn Calories: 400-600 calories
Stuff Required: Kettlebells

6. Strength Training Exercise

7 Most Effective Cardio Exercises to Lose Weight for 2019

The body can burn more fat when muscle composition is increased. The composition of muscle enhances metabolism and tones. Strength training involves performing resistance exercises or lifting weights. These exercises can be done using weights, resistant bands or any equipment that provides a force on your muscles when exercising.

Squats and lunges are two of the best strength training exercises to lose weight: 
1. To perform squats, stand with your feet slightly apart and bend at the knees, lower and lift the body. 
2. To do lunges, stand with your feet slightly apart then step forward with your left foot and lower your right knee. Then switch sides and repeat. Resistance can be added to both of these exercises by holding free weights at your side or at the top of your shoulders. The goal is to do one to four sets of nine to 12 repetitions.
Duration: 20 minutes
Burn Calories: 200-300 calories

7. Climbing the stairs

7 Most Effective Cardio Exercises to Lose Weight for 2019

We all know that exercise really helps, but do you know that climbing exercise helps in losing weight. Stair climbing is one of the important cardio workouts at home for our body fitness and everyone should do this exercise for at least 25 minutes a day that help you out from losing weight. People want to go to the gym, but it saves time and money and there are a few things you can do at home. You can do good training using the stairs. Not only is it simple, but it also has many advantages.

In many cases, people are encouraged to go after a meal, but because of the lack of soil near their homes, they can't do so and they can't escape because they don't have time. Today, this is good news for those who can't go out and will soon be a home game. For your best, climb the ladder for 10 minutes a day. cardio workouts at home.

How to do Stair Climbing

  1. Initially, you have a walk on the staircase.
  2. You must have to climb each and every step in between.
  3. then after, climb each stair by lunging.
  4. Put change in the forward lunges with lateral lunges.
  5. Finally, you have to run up and down on the stairs and complete one set.
  6. Take a 15-seconds break and then go for another set.

Duration: 30 minutes
Burn Calories: 600-800 calories
Stuff Required: Staircase

Dooglas Playa
I am a writer, my wife Denise is an editor. Recently struck down by a brain tumor, I am presently wheelchair bound. I search locations along the shore where I can fly fish Zihuatanejo Bay from the chair.

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