
10 Flowers That Cure Diseases, Know What They are?

10 Flowers That Cure Diseases, Know What They are?

They exist in nature and hide medicinal properties that we can use in the day to day to treat common malaria. Do you want to get to know them better?


Our grandmothers were not fooled when they recommended a chamomile flower tea for everything and nothing. Now, science proves this: a study by Elaine Holmes, a research scientist at Imperial College London has shown that these are ingested in the form of tea, acting on the immune system, helping to fight against influenza infections, of glycine, an amino acid useful in relieving muscle spasms (i.e. optimal for menstrual cramps) and acting as a relaxant of the nervous system.


Originally from ancient Egypt, this flower is nowadays used in the composition of oils, soaps or lotions, acting on the skin and helping to heal eczemas and wound healing, as well as being effective in the prevention of varicose veins. Products with the marigold flower in its composition are available for sale in health food stores and natural products stores, as well as at www.calendula.pt

White Hawthorn

Known for centuries as a medicinal plant, the most recent studies show that the flowers of this plant act at the level of the circulatory system. Its extract helps to help the heart beat harder, increasing blood flow in the arteries and reducing irregular heartbeat. You can find it on the form of degrees for sale in health food stores and natural products stores.

Linden tree

The flowers of this plant are yellowish white and quite small, which may lead us to conclude that size is not a sign of power. This is because the healing abilities of these flowers are noticeable in the fight against headaches, difficult digestions, nervous disorders, abdominal cramps (not to mention that it is an excellent natural sedative!)


Known also like lavender, the scent of these plants was the preferred bath additive of the ancient Greeks. It can be taken in the form of tea - indicated for asthma and bad digestions - or oil - optimal for skin problems such as allergies, eczema, and burns.



The mauve flowers have an intense lilac color, so they look good in any garden, but their capabilities go far beyond aesthetics: in the form of tea is effective in case of affections of the throat, being recognized its anti-inflammatory capacity. You can also find it in degrees or syrups in herbal shops and natural products stores


Who never drank elderflower tea? It is traditionally used in cases of flu and colds, relieving the airways and helping it to breathe much better.


It is a plant that can reach up to 50 centimeters in height and features star-shaped flowers whose colors range from purple to blue. As they are abundant in potassium nitrate, it has excellent sweat properties. In the form of oil is on sale in raspberries, herbal and natural products stores. Oh, and true, it's also great for the skin.

Rose of Provence

The fame of this flower, symbol of knights and ladies of ancient France is well-known in the area of   perfumery, but did you know that its leaves, ingested in the form of tea, are a powerful weapon for throat problems.



Its blue flowers are depurative, diuretic and optimal for rheumatic and stomach pains. It is best to take them on the form of tea, for sale in health food stores and natural products.
Dooglas Playa
I am a writer, my wife Denise is an editor. Recently struck down by a brain tumor, I am presently wheelchair bound. I search locations along the shore where I can fly fish Zihuatanejo Bay from the chair.

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