
Natural Remedies For High Blood Pressure


Natural remedies for high blood pressure

People can suffer from high blood pressure for years without experiencing the symptoms or knowing it.

The very first thing to look for in a good reading of blood pressure is the systolic pressure and number two to be looked at is the diastolic pressure. According to the guidelines of the American association that deals with the heart, the following guidelines apply:

A normal blood pressure is lower than 120/80 mmHg.
The prehypertension is a systolic pressure between 120 and 139 or a diastolic pressure between 80 and 89.
Phase 1 of the hypertension is a systolic pressure between 140 and 159 or a diastolic pressure between 90 and 99
Phase 2 of the hypertension is a systolic pressure higher than 160 or a diastlical pressure of 100 or more

Natural remedies in the treatment of high blood pressure

Lifestyle changes and natural remedies can help a lot to control high blood pressure, but your doctor may need you to take medication to lower your blood pressure.

It is very important to listen carefully to the doctor, because high blood pressure that is not treated in time can lead to massive damage to the body and increase the risk of heart attack and other heart disorders, brain damage, kidney disease, and vision impairment.


Coenzyme Q10

In the meantime, there is evidence that the CoQ10 supplement can help fight high blood pressure.

A study conducted for 12 weeks with a double-blind group and with a placebo effect on a group of 83 people suffering from systolic hypertension investigated the effect of taking CoQ10 supplements at 60 mg dose and that times a day.

After a 12-week period, a clear reduction in systolic blood pressure was observed in the group treated with the CoQ10 supplement.

Another study conducted at the University of Western Australia investigated the effect that Coenzyme Q10 (COQ10) has on blood pressure and glycemic control in a group of 74 people with type 2 diabetes.

Participants were randomly given either 100 mg of CoQ10 twice daily during the period, or 200 mg of the fenfibrate drug, or both, over a 12-week period.

The study found that CoQ10 is capable of causing a significant decrease in diastolic blood pressure. There was also a clear decrease in HbA1C, a clear marker in the long-term glycemic index control.
In a meta-analysis of studies on supplements with garlic, three of these studies showed a clear reduction in systolic blood pressure and four a decrease in diastolic blood pressure.

The researchers found that a garlic supplement can be a powerful weapon in the treatment of high blood pressure.

It is mentioned that supplements with garlic may only be used under the supervision of a qualified health professional and may not be taken on your own.
Garlic can thin the blood, which leads to a reduction in blood clotting, an effect comparable to aspirin intake.

Garlic can also react with a variety of drugs and supplements such as prescription drugs such as Coumadin (warfarin) or Trental (pentoxifylline), aspirin, vitamin E and gingko.

People are also generally advised to stop taking garlic supplements a week before they undergo any type of surgery.


Fish oil

The many beneficial effects of fish oil are now known. Studies now also show that the omega 3 fatty acids that we find in fish oil now also have an effect on high blood pressure.

Even though fish oil supplements often contain both HDA (docohexaenoic acid) and EPA (aicosapentaenoic acid), there is already some evidence that HDA is the ingredient that helps to lower high blood pressure. In any case, omega 3 fatty acids play a crucial role for a healthy heart and blood vessels.

Folic acid

Folic acid is a vitamin B that is essential for the formation of the red blood cells in our body. For some people it may help to lower high blood pressure, probably because folic acid can reduce the excessively high levels of homocysteine   in our body.

A small study conducted on a limited group of 24 cigarette smokers concluded that four weeks of taking a supplement with this particular substance could already lead to a marked reduction in blood pressure.

Ayurvedic Medicine

In Ayurveda, traditional medicine from India, high blood pressure is treated in accordance with the so-called dosha of the person in question, say his personal constitution.

The so-called pitta type can have a blushing face, red eyes, headache, light sensitivity, rapid irritation and nose bleeds.
The so-called kappa type can suffer from obesity, the cessation of water, high cholesterol, high cholesterol and feelings of listlessness.

The so-called vata type may have a feeling of cold, burping of gas, burping, constipation, insomnia, feeling of being nervous, worried or anxious.

Traditional Chinese Medicine

According to traditional Chinese medicine, high blood pressure is often attributed to a problem related to the circulation of vital energy (also known as qi) in the body.

Traditional Chinese medicine practitioners believe that depression, anger attacks, obesity, and the frequent intake of a high-fat diet are some of the causes of high blood pressure. Chinese doctors often recommend a combination of acupuncture and herbs for treatment.

The foods to which the Chinese doctors and therapists attribute medicinal effects in connection with a fall in high blood pressure include walnut, turnip, honey, Chinese celery, the berries of the hawks and mung beans.


Diet and lifestyle

Changing your lifestyle and especially what you eat plays an important role for those who try to do something about high blood pressure. The DASH (Dietary Approachs to Stop Hypertensionà diet is promoted by the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute of the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

The DASH diet focuses on eating fruits and vegetables, low-fat dairy, beans and nuts. Sodium is limited to 2400 mg per day.

Studies have since shown that the DASH diet can lead to a reduction in high blood pressure within two weeks. A number of guidelines apply to the DASH diet:

Eat cereals 7 to 8 times

Eat vegetables 4 to 5 times

Eat fruit 4 to 5 times

Eat 2 to 3 times low-fat dairy

Eat fish, meat or poultry 2 to 3 times

Eat fats and oil 2 to 3 times

Eat nuts, seeds and dry beans 4 to 5 times a week

Eat less sweets and sweets

What are the portions you can eat?

Half a cup of cooked rice or pasta

1 slice of bread

1 cup of raw vegetables or fruit

Half a cup of cooked vegetables or fruit

2 dl of milk

1 teaspoon of olive oil

100 g fried meat

100 g of tofu

There is a similar diet such as the DASH diet, called the DASH sodium diet. This diet limits sodium intake to 1500 mg per day, which should roughly correspond to two thirds of a teaspoon from all sources (processed and canned food contains hidden salt).

Patients who followed the DASH diet experienced a clear reduction in their high blood pressure.

Calcium, magnesium and potassium

Calcium supplements could produce a modest but statistically significant decrease in systolic blood pressure (ie a 2.5 mm Hg difference). It must be said, however, that even better studies must be conducted in this regard.

A meta-analysis of five studies has also shown that the administration of supplements with potassium in a study that was carried out on a large but albeit statistically insignificant group of people markedly reduced systolic blood pressure (ie a difference of 11 2 mm Hg).


 In twelve randomly conducted studies, the various participants in the study received supplements with magnesium.

The researchers found that this did not lead to a reduction in systolic blood pressure, but a statistically relevant difference was observed in diastolic blood pressure (being a difference of 2.2 mm Hg).
Interventions between mind and body
This type of intervention includes autogenous training, biofeedback and yoga. Research should show that they can contribute to a modest fall in high blood pressure, compared to a placebo group.

Autogenic training

This technique is used to learn how to reduce stress and how to relax.

During this training, participants learn six exercises that each have a specific consequence. They must also try to concentrate without having a specific goal in mind, they work on the imagination and verbal 'cues' are given. Each exercise is taught by watching a teacher demonstration or by reading a practical description. The training requires regular exercise.


This specific technique teaches people how to gain control over the internal processes in the body that normally occur involuntarily.

These processes include blood pressure, the heartbeat, the tension on the muscles and the temperature of the skin and so on. Biofeedback is mainly and primarily used to combat high blood pressure, migraine, other forms of tension headache, chronic pain and urinary incontinence.

The various types of biofeedback include thermal feedback (which measures the temperature of the skin) and electronically-controlled feedback (using a monitoring device that responds to sweets).

These techniques may in some cases be more efficient than direct feedback from blood pressure or electromyography (EMG), which measures muscle tension.


The first studies show that this old technique can help to lower high blood pressure.
Aerobic exercises
Aerobic exercises are an important part of a natural approach to reducing high blood pressure.

A meta-analysis of 150 studies that were already carried out in this regard on a total of 6805 participants found that aerobic exercises can be associated with a clear reduction in systolic blood pressure by 4.6 mm Hg, and also with corresponding decreases in diastolic blood pressure.

People who suffer from high blood pressure should definitely consult their doctor before engaging in a new exercise program.

Herbs and supplements that you should avoid
Certainly there are also a number of herbs and supplements that are suspected of causing high blood pressure and therefore should be avoided.

We count below:



Asian ginseng

Essential oil based on rosemary

What are the symptoms of high blood pressure?

In the early stages of high blood pressure, it is not always possible to immediately see clear symptoms. Symptoms that are associated with high blood pressure include:

Dizziness and dizzy moments



The reasons for high blood pressure

In most cases of high blood pressure, there is no clearly identifiable cause. This type of high blood pressure is called the primary hypertension or the essential hypertension. It is usually a combination of a number of factors, such as:

Weight -  The greater the body mass index, the more pressure there is on the blood vessels and veins. The reason for this is that more blood is made to bring oxygen and nutrients to the tissues in the body.
Activity Level -  A lack of physical exertion tends to lead to a reduction in heart rate, which in turn forces your heart to work harder when you do an effort.
Tobacco use -  The chemicals present in cigarettes and tobacco are a real assault on blood vessels and veins.
Sodium intake -  The abundant presence of sodium in the diet can lead to fluid retention and an increase in blood pressure, especially in people who are sensitive to sodium.
Calcium intake -  Too little calcium can lead to an increase in sodium in the cells because the two work in balance with each other.
Stress -  Stress can also raise blood pressure.
Alcohol consumption - Overuse of alcohol can, over time, lead to an increase in the risk of heart attack or heart failure.
Age -  The risk of high blood pressure increases as you get older.
The family history - High blood pressure is often a hereditary issue.
High blood pressure can also be caused by an underlying reason such as kidney disease, hormonal imbalance, thyroid disease, thyroid problems, and the use of certain medications such as oral contraceptives or certain herbs such as licorice. This particular type of high blood pressure is known as secondary hypertension.
Dooglas Playa
I am a writer, my wife Denise is an editor. Recently struck down by a brain tumor, I am presently wheelchair bound. I search locations along the shore where I can fly fish Zihuatanejo Bay from the chair.

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