
15 Tips Against High Blood Pressure


15 Tips Against High Blood Pressure

Very lager people suffer from high blood pressure. High blood pressure can damage your veins and heart, so it is high time to map out the natural treatments.

A healthy blood pressure has an upper pressure of 120 millimeters of mercury (or mm-Hg) when the heart contracts and an under-pressure of 80 mm-Hg when it is at rest. This is the famous 120/80 value. We officially speak of high blood pressure if it is higher than 140/90. People who get older naturally have higher blood pressure and a slightly raised blood pressure is not a medical objection.
In many cases, the doctor will prescribe medication to lower blood pressure. This is an excellent way and I am in favor of temporarily taking these drugs and then looking at the causes and lifestyle so that you can go through life without medication. I have seen the most bizarre side effects of blood pressure medication in people around me: skin that comes loose, nightmares, a slowed heartbeat and therefore fatigue and a lack of energy.

Causes of high blood pressure
Being overweight
Sensitivity to processed salt
Too many stimulants
To smoke
Wrong eating habits
Too little exercise
Stress is a broad concept and can have many causes. Particularly if there is chronic stress, your hormonal system may become unbalanced for a long time and blood pressure may increase permanently. Examples of an unhealthy stress situation include a job in which you do not feel happy, a relationship that does not go well or an argument with your neighbors. Therefore try to avoid long-term stress sources from your life and, above all, engage in a conversation. Dividing is multiplying.

Blood pressure can rise and fall during the day. In most cases, blood pressure will be somewhat higher in the evening than in the morning. There is also such a thing as the white-coat syndrome: fear of the doctor. That means that you experience stress when you are near a white coat (the doctor) and your blood pressure will rise. In reality you do not suffer from high blood pressure, but a fear of the doctor.
Try to keep the medication at a distance, because in most cases they are symptom-fighters and you are stuck with them all your life, if it's up to big pharma.

Tips to lower your blood pressure

Take a magnesium supplement
Eat beets or drink beetroot juice
Ensure adequate relaxation
Stop smoking
Avoid alcohol
Get rid of overweight
Eat lots of vegetables, also raw
Only choose unrefined sea salt
Take the right fats (low in omega-6, high in omega-3/9 & saturated fat)
Choose food from the sea
Walk at least half an hour a day
Add garlic to your diet
Drink some green tea daily
Take a closer look at your medication
Eat potassium-rich foods
Only with extremely high blood pressure do you notice that something is not right, with slightly raised blood pressure you cannot notice this yourself. Fortunately, a blood pressure meter is already available for a few tens of euros that can perform a good measurement. These meters give you insight and the freedom to experiment with the aforementioned tips and their results.
Dooglas Playa
I am a writer, my wife Denise is an editor. Recently struck down by a brain tumor, I am presently wheelchair bound. I search locations along the shore where I can fly fish Zihuatanejo Bay from the chair.

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