
Factors That Contribute To a Heart Attack


 Factors That Contribute To a Heart Attack

A heart attack is still one of the most feared and unexpected conditions in the "developed" world. In this article you will read about the main causes of a heart attack as well as measures you can take to prevent heart attacks.

What is a heart attack?
Basically it means that a blood vessel that feeds the heart (= coronary artery) suddenly becomes completely clogged so that part of the heart muscle no longer receives an oxygen supply and thereby dies.

This is usually accompanied by a pressing pain behind the breastbone , often radiating to the left and into the left arm. Other symptoms include nausea, indigestion, abdominal pain, lack of breath, cold sweating, tiredness and dizziness. With older people or with diabetes, it can also happen without immediate symptoms.

Consequences of a heart attack

The consequences are very different depending on the location and extent of the infarction and the condition of the heart muscle. Severe arrhythmias can occur, even with sudden cardiac arrest, and the heart muscle can weaken so much that the heart can no longer pump out enough blood (= acute heart failure). The symptoms can also be limited to pain and the death of a small part of the heart muscle with less serious consequences.

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Either way, it remains a serious problem and 50% of people die within the first few hours. The best response to the suspicion of a beginning infarction is always first to take an aspirin because this counteracts the clotting process and therefore the lump formation in the blood vessels. The second reflex is to visit the emergency department of a hospital as soon as possible . There, one can quickly judge via a scan and a blood test whether it is indeed an infarction and send it to a special service to prevent complete blockage and to monitor it further.

Preventing a heart attack

Many measures are possible to prevent such a situation. And then we are talking about controlling the many risk factors that can encourage a heart attack.

1. Cholesterol

Cholesterol is always mentioned as THE major cause of narrowing of blood vessels, while half of the people who suffer a heart attack have low cholesterol. We do not want to go into detail about the cholesterol story here, but the fact just mentioned already indicates that there are many other factors involved.

2. Blood pressure

The higher the blood pressure, the more pressure on the walls of the blood vessels and the more wear that is especially dangerous for the blood vessels of the brain. In any case, high blood pressure must be brought under control. A whole range of traditional medicines are available for this, each with its advantages and disadvantages.

It remains a fact that the traditional approach is most efficient in the short term, although a number of natural resources can have a lasting beneficial effect in the long term. Many of those natural ingredients are processed in a multivitamin complex.

3. Movement

For a long time it was claimed that the best prevention, such as jogging, is built with long-term efforts, but there are many facts that indicate that slow progressive building with short, powerful efforts creates the best heart protection.

4. Stress

Remains a determining factor: a short stress situation activates our stress hormones, but persistent stress ultimately leads to exhaustion of our organ systems. The first victims are our circulation system, our nervous system and our immunity. Many arrhythmias and circulation problems are due to chronic stress.

Dooglas Playa
I am a writer, my wife Denise is an editor. Recently struck down by a brain tumor, I am presently wheelchair bound. I search locations along the shore where I can fly fish Zihuatanejo Bay from the chair.

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